
I want to use boost on ibm-aix with VisualAge C++ Professional / C for AIX Compiler, Version 6
To do this:
- I downloaded the version 1.33.1 of boost on sourceforge
- I used the following configure statement to build the makefile
        configure --with-toolset=vacpp
- I launched the make statement to build the libraries.

But I encountered the following message during make process

xlc-C++-action bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.so/vacpp/debug/cregex.o
"/TST/FIED/murex/flex/boost_1_33_1/boost/regex/v4/regex_traits.hpp", line 80.1: 1540-1269 (S) The template argument for the non-type template parameter of type "bool" must be an integral constant expr

"/TST/FIED/murex/flex/boost_1_33_1/boost/regex/v4/regex_traits.hpp", line 159.36: 1540-0700 (I) The previous message was produced while processing "struct boost::re_detail::has_boost_extensions_tag<bo

ost::regex_traits<char,boost::cpp_regex_traits<char> >,mpl_::bool_<0> >".

    xlc  -c -I/TST/FIED/murex/flex/boost_1_33_1   -DBOOST_REGEX_CONFIG_INFO=1 -DBOOST_REGEX_DYN_LINK=1  -qNOOPTimize -qnoinline -g -qfullpath  -qnotempinc -qfuncsect -qeh -qrtti  -I"bin/boost/libs/reg

ex/build"   -I"/TST/FIED/murex/flex/boost_1_33_1"  -o "bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.so/vacpp/debug/cregex.o"  "/TST/FIED/murex/flex/boost_1_33_1/libs/regex/build/../src/cregex.cpp"

...failed xlc-C++-action bin/boost/libs/regex/build/libboost_regex.so/vacpp/debug/cregex.o...

Any hints for resolving this would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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