On 9/12/06, loufoque <mathias.gaunard@etu.u-bordeaux1.fr> wrote:
Scott Meyers wrote :

>  > An example:
>  > System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter is a class that describes a bound
> parameter used in a database statement. Bound parameters are essential
> to prevent SQL injection attacks. They should be exceedingly easy to use
> since the "competition" (string concatenation of parameters into the SQL
> statement) is easy, well understood, and dangerous.

You can construct safe SQL queries with streams or printf-like syntax easily

id = "2 ; delete from persons ;" 

sql << "select first_name, last_name, date_of_birth "
        "from persons where id = " << id

Someone just deleted your persons table.  Oops.

No need to put objects everywhere that complexify everything.

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