Another “basic” question for the list again, apologies in advance.


I have a class with a data member which is an enumeration, e.g.:


typedef enum param_choice







} param_choice_e;


I can quite happily user the Boost Serialization library to save and restore a class with a data member of this type:


class Stuff


friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Stuff& stuff


friend class boost::serialization::access;


template<class Archive>

void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int file_version)





param_choice choice;



Stuff () {}


Stuff (param_choice theChoice);



This is using XML as the file-format. The data member appears in the file as an integer.


However, what I would LIKE to do is output the value of “choice” as a string (e.g. instead of outputing <choice>2</choice>, the file contains <choice>UINT32</choice>). And do a conversion when I read it all back in again, of course.


Can someone please provide some pointers to where I can find out how to do this? Or an example?


Is the solution going to end up along the lines of:


  • Split the serialize into separate load and save routines
  • In the save, convert the data member into a string and output this to the archive
  • In the load, input from the archive into a string and then store this into the data member


Best regards in anticipation,

