Ok, so If I want to use a multi_index to manage a large collection of dynamic data, I need to be constantly updating it using the container update functions. So I need find a way to my objects known their containers so I can manage that Update inside the setters of my object. This will work? (I will try as I get at home again)
fungos wrote:
>> Nice! const_mem_fun worked in this sample. I will try to port my map
>> to multi_index now and see how it performs.
>> But, I dont want to give up without understund why mem_fun doesnt
>> work. Anybody has any theory? :D
IIRC, you are only allowed access to the const interface of items held by
multi_index containers. Non-const methods by definition mutate the object
upon which they act, which could change the item's state upon which the sort
order is based. That is why you must use multi_index's update functions to
modify the state of any of it's items.
Jeff Flinn
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