I have experimented further with bjam input syntax, trying to follow the examples in <a href="http://www.boost.org/tools/build/v1/build_system.htm">http://www.boost.org/tools/build/v1/build_system.htm</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp; Since I am currently interested in the filesystem library only, I added &quot;--with-filesystem&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp; This reduced the amount of output so that the CMD window's capacity was not exceeded.&nbsp;&nbsp; I discovered that the first thing going wrong was:

<p class="MsoNormal">borland-C++-action bin\boost\libs\filesystem\build\boost_filesystem.dll\borland-<br>5_6_4\debug\exception.obj<br>C:\Boost\boost_1_33_1\libs\filesystem\build\../src/exception.cpp:<br>Fatal F1003
C:\Boost\boost_1_33_1\boost/filesystem/config.hpp 23: Error directive: Dynamic linking Boost.Filesystem does not work for
Borland; use static linking instead<br>*** 1 errors in Compile ***</p>

I have tried variations on -sBUILD=runtime-link-static and -sBUILD=&lt;runtime-link&gt;static, but to no avail; I keep getting the message that the borland-C++-action is requesting Dynamic linking, which does not work with Borland.
<br><br>What is the precise syntax to get only static linking from bjam?<br><br>Jerry Schreiber<br>