On 1/12/07, Mark Wyszomierski <markww@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Levent,

Thanks for the quick reply. I see what you mean. Anytime I open up a
stream I now pass the ios_base::binary flag to the stream constructor.
Still the same runtime error though. All I had to do to my example was
the following, right?:

    std::ofstream ofs("filename", ios_base::binary);

yes, and with this fix your code works fine with my VC++ 7.1.  (and without it it throws stream error as expected)

One thing,  do you get any compiler warnings related to RTTI? In 7.1 you need to turn it on (/GR switch) for serialization library to work. Then again, it should fail during output if this was the case.

What exactly is the runtime error you're getting? Do you have any compilation warnings?

Server Levent Yilmaz
Mechanical Engineering @ PITT