#include #include namespace boost { namespace archive { class load_access; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class trivial_iarchive - read serialized objects from a input text stream class trivial_iarchive : public boost::archive::detail::common_iarchive { // permit serialization system priviledged access to permit // implementation of inline templates for maximum speed. friend class boost::archive::load_access; // member template for loading primitive types. // Override for any types/templates that special treatment template void load(T & t) {}; public: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // public interface used by programs that use the // serialization library // archives are expected to support this function void load_binary(void *address, std::size_t count) {}; }; int main(int, char const*const*const) { trivial_iarchive ar; int i(15); ar & i; return 0; }