I`ve been using Boost.MultiArray for a while and found that next features for
MultiArray concept would be usefull.

1. Index permutations, which result is multiarray again. Most encontered in 2d
dimential arrays used as matrices, and feature become matrix transposition.

2. This feature is possibly less agreed with Boost.MultiArray concept,
 It would be useful to have an iterator over all elements, not subcontainers,
possibly with custom ordering differ from that used on construction for memory
layout. Than i can easily use an STL algorithms on iterators. Having operation of
creating subarray and array views i can manage wich part of multi_array object is
exposed to algorithm. I hadly see an using of this iterator with
stl::adjacent_difference as it interpret iterator as "really sequence", but in my
work i will have some code look better using std::transform with such iterator.