If you provide a long program options description while using boost, you will encounter such issue, if you using debug version, you will see a debug assertion failed alert, if you using release version, your program will be crashed. following codes can be used to reproduce this issue
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 namespace po = boost::program_options;

 po::options_description desc("supported options");
  ("help,h", "display this help message,this help will be printed out if you not provide option here!");

 std::cout << desc << "\n";

I have trace this issue, it is located in function format_paragraph in the file options_description.cpp,

    namespace {

        void format_paragraph(std::ostream& os,
                              std::string par,
                              unsigned first_column_width,
                              unsigned line_length)

                    // prevent chopped words
                    // if (lastchar != ' ') &&
                    //    ((exists(lastchar + 1) && (lastchar + 1 != ' '))
                    if ((*(line_end - 1) != ' ') &&
                        ((line_end < par_end) && (*line_end != ' ')))
                        // find last ' ' in the second half of the current paragraph line
                        string::const_iterator last_space =
                            find(reverse_iterator<string::const_iterator>(line_end - 1),
                                 reverse_iterator<string::const_iterator>(line_begin - 1),
                                 ' ')
                        if (last_space != line_begin - 1)



if option description is long enough, the find function will be called, and "reverse_iterator<string::const_iterator>(line_begin - 1)" will lead to this issue, may "line_begin - 1" access a invalid space.

If there have some guys to confirm it was a bug in boost?