I defined an double array inside bundled vertex property, and have trouble finding ways of accessing it.
Neither can I find any where in the document an example on it. Your input will be much appreciated!
my graph is defined as follows:
struct Node
// this is hard to access
double mode[3];
struct Edge
//no problem access them
double nPixels;
unsigned short nTh;
typedef boost::adjacency_list<
boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS,
Node, Edge> Graph;
//Graph object colGraph
Graph colGraph;
I have no problem with accessing the 'nPixels' in Edge property,
boost::property_map<Graph, double Edge::*>::type
ew = get(&Edge::nPixels, *colGraph);//edge weight
But I am in a great deal of trouble finding ways of accessing 'mode' in Node property.
//compiler error here