Hi Aljaz,
On 3/8/07, Aljaz <aljaz.fajmut@siol.net
> wrote:I've been testing fstream libary to read a huge text file (45 megabytes),
which has around 2 million lines..
When I do (using fstream):
int line = 0;
string str;
ifstream is("file.txt");
while (!is.eof()) {
getline(is, str);
}It takes about 9 seconds to read the whole file..
If I open file it with any 'good' text editor (editplus, notepad++ for
instance) it takes a few seconds to read/load the whole file..
So I'm wondering.. What am I doing wrong?
What should I do to achieve that speed - better preformance?
As others have said earlier, text editor read your files in a piecemeal fashion - a little at a time appropriately when you need to move to corresponding lines/pages. I am newbie to boost myself but I feel your problem has more to do with the relationship between the file allocation unit size of your OS and that of your buffer/array and how large a buffer you allocate to read the data. Also, it looks like you want to "count" the lines instead of reading. Anyway, I think looking at the appropriate OS system services, which are efficiently related to corresponding OS file allocation unit sizes, and then looking at the source code of the library (boost or whatever) you are using would be helpful.