Hi Jeff,

I'm not real clear either on the difference between 'stage' and 'install' (seem to be different only in the default folders they place things), but this is what I'm doing:

First, I build Boost with this command (I only want the release libraries and only statically linked--builds a bit faster):
bjam "-sBUILD=release <runtime-link>static" "-sTOOLS=vc-8_0" --prefix=./boost-built  install

When it's done, you'll have a "boost-built" subfolder with a "boost" folder and a "lib" folder.  I don't plan on routinely rebuilding 1.33.1, so I copy the "boost-built" folder into one of my project folders and delete the boost build directory/files.  Then add the "boost-built\boost" subfolder to your include search path, and the "boost-built\lib" subfolder to your library search path.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Dunlap < jeff_j_dunlap@yahoo.com>
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:49:10 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Boost-users] Boost path to use for VC++ 8?
Hello, I am new to VC++ (ver 8) and would really like to use Boost!

This is what  I have done:

1) I unzipped the boost download to c:\boost_1_33_1

2) At the command prompt, I executed:
    c:\boost_1_33_1\>bjam "-sTOOLS=VC-8_0" install

bjam ran fine and a new directory was created:


I had assumed that using bjam's install parameter would modify whatever the
path settings for the VC IDE are supposed to be, but that does not appear to
happen.  There are alot of paths and I want to make sure that I use the right
one.  What are the paths that I am supposed to include in VC++ when using the
bjam param 'install' above?

Secondly, I was thinking that maybe the 'stage' param might be a better bjam
choice since the boost libraries are built in a common directory, thus making
it easier to use.  Are there drawbacks to using boost this way?

Thank you very much