"Stefan Holzmann" <Stefan.Holzmann@gmx.net> wrote in message news:34183.4475555972$1174634703@news.gmane.org...



I'am new to the boost serialize libary and have the following question.


At my data acquisition application I have a workspace object which contain several recorded data objects (measurements) which should be stored into separate archives.


**** The first idea that occurs to me would be to use the iostreams library to create a fancier stream which transform any write into two separate ones.  Since the serialization library relies on streams, this would create multiple archives from one serialization.



The workspace objects needs to store references (weak pointers) on objects inside the measurement archives (e.g. references from views which should be serialized).


**** which it can do.  The will automatically serialize the references being pointed to.


It should be possible to have the same measurement archive references from more than one workspace object.


**** If the archives are reloaded- you'll get new instances of the referenced views.  Probably not what you want.


Is this possible with the boost serialization libary?


*** You might be able to get what you want.  But this would require a deeper understanding of the library than is usually necessary.


Righ now I don't know how the object tracking is working in detail, is there a more detailed documentation on this?


*** read the docs and the code.


Robert Ramey



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