Oh yikes!  Thanks Eric.

I had been staring at that so long!  I had grouped several examples together in one big main() and didn't even notice that.


On 4/15/07, Eric Niebler <eric@boost-consulting.com> wrote:
Graham Reitz wrote:
> There is no output with the following example, when "Note that I'm 21
> years old, not" for m[1], and "35" for m[2], is expected. (according to
> the example):
> boost::regex reg("(.*)(\\d{2})");
> boost::cmatch cm;
> const char* text = "Note that I'm 21 years old, not 35.";
> if (boost::regex_search(text, cm, reg))
> {
>     if (cm[1].matched)
>     { std::cout << "(.*) matched: " << m[1].str() << std::endl; }
>     if (cm[2].matched)
>     { std::cout << "Found the age: " << m[2].str() << std::endl; }

What is m?

Eric Niebler
Boost Consulting
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