At 05:43 17.05.2007, you wrote:
"Ingo Nolden" <> wrote in message

Thank you for your answer,

I understand now. I saw the code, that would use the name. But I couldn't see why it was not invoked.
My actual intent is to use boost::serialization in a very special way. I am going to write a xml_archive replacement, that will enable me to read nearly arbitrary xml.
*** my personal view is that this is not possible.  Boost serialization archives
are intimately coupled to the C++ data structures they correspond to.

Yes, but I though if I write an own archive class that should somehow be possible. It seems it will not be really easy though.

My first plan was to write an own serialization. After looking into boost::serialization I thought it wouldn't be clever to not use as much of this great code as possible. I especially appreciate that the serialize function does not need to be virtual, and therefore can accept a non polymorphic archive. It seems there is a great level of savvy gone into that part.

*** There are tools which take an arbitrary XML schema and produce a corresponding
C++ data structure.  This is the opposite of Boost Serialization.

I just downloaded CodeSynthesis, and I will give it a try. Perhaps it is a good solution for the meanwhile.

If you're looking for a project, you could make a version/derivative/add-on to the xml_oarchive
which produces and xml schema along with the archive itself.  Then the archive would be
browsable with standard xml tools.  I considered this idea when making the xml_archive
but concluded it wasn't necessary to meet the minimal requirements for acceptance.

The advantage, of using a general serialization library is, that it will output binary and any other kind of data as well. That makes it a no 1 choice. Also, the generation of an xml-schema would be nice. On the other hand, if the schema can be used to generate classes for boost::serialization, that would be even better...

By the way. Is there a place where people share *archive implementations for boost::serialization ?

Thanks for your help so far. It takes me a good step ahead.


Robert Ramey

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