Oh, wow, there’s a nasty bug…


Bjam was looking for icc.exe all the time, and the new name of the Intel C++ Compiler 9.1 executable is icl.exe.

Renamed icl.exe to icc.exe and it all worked out!


Please, fix this!




Today was a painful and frustrating day. I’ve been trying to build Boost 1.34 with Intel C++ Compiler 9.1 for hours L

I have tried on 4 machines – all of them running either XP or Vista, with installed Visual Studio 2005 and Intel Compiler 9.1. I get the same errors.


Here’s what I do:



0.       Run iclvars.bat to set the environment variables

1.       Download the latest boost distribution sources

2.       Extract them

3.       Download the latest version of bjam (ot build it myself with VC8)

4.       Put bjam.exe to the root of boost

5.       Run bjam from the boost root (tried with several command lines, i.e. bjam –build-dir=build –toolset=intel-win32 stage)


The process starts (warns me about not having Python, which is ok), but the first time compile-c-c++ is run, the windows message “I don’t know how to open this file” appears for the file extension .rsp. I dismiss the window for every file (quite annoying) but then the build script cannot find some files and it all messes up.


What happens here? What’s wrong? In the list archives I found a guy reporting similar troubles with an older version, and the reply suggested to set some variables and to follow a link with more info, which was dead. Anyway, this was for the old version 1. How to deal with this now?


I really feel helpless L