I've been having the very same problem. But with my crappy computer (512 Mb ram...) it took me 3 days for the install stage and, as you say, common.copy takes most of the time.

- Arthur

On 5/24/07, chun ping wang <cablepuff@gmail.com> wrote:
basically yeah.. common.copy takes about 85 percent of the time.

On 5/24/07, Vladimir Prus < ghost@cs.msu.su> wrote:
chun ping wang wrote:

> hey thanks.. the ./configure make install now works .. but there is some
> problem with the build process.. for some reason on cygwin the
> installation happens to be super slow on my computer.. installing boost
> through dev-cpp takes 15 mintues top..installing through cygwin for some
> reason takes 5 hours ... ( common.copy). I know its a little off topic..
> but taking 5 hours to install boost shouldn't be common..

This is indeed unexpected, but I have no idea what could be wrong. Is
most of this time indeed spent copying files?

- Volodya

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