If I run 'bjam -n install' I get a single process.  After 7 minutes and 197MB of memory it prints

Which kind of negates the purpose of the message. :-/

After another minute it starts printing the copy commands and finishes in under a minute.

I'll try running "bjam -n -a" when I have a couple of hours to kill.

On 5/24/07, Rene Rivera < grafikrobot@gmail.com> wrote:
Bobby Ward wrote:
> I've noticed the same symptoms.  Both processes using > 150M of memory.

If it's the hardlink/copy... Could someone with cygwin do a "bjam -n -a"
and try one of the hardlink/copy commands manually to see if it really
is just the command. And perhaps find out why.

-- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com
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Bobby Ward
