BoundsChecker is reporting a memory leak for every ‘bind’ call. I am using the threadpool includes, v 0.2.3, with “libboost_thread-vc71-mt-gd-1_33_1.lib”, MSVC 7.1. Any help is appreciated.


The usage is similar to the following working example:

void task(int param1)


      // performs some task

      printf("%d : Param1 : %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), param1);




void foo()


      boost::threadpool::pool tp(5);      // Threadpool with 5 threads


    while (1)


            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


                  // Seems like there is memory allocation which is not

                  // deallocated after returning from the function call.

                  tp.schedule(boost::bind(task, i));



            tp.wait();  // wait to finish off the remaining tasks


            Sleep(5000);      // sleep for 5 seconds

