Hi Mojmir,

On 20/06/07, Mojmir Svoboda <mojmir.svoboda@logicacmg.com> wrote:

i want to use bind to create a pair and forward it to an std::ostream, i.e. like:

    std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
                    bind(constructor<std::pair<value_t, value_t> >(), _1, _1)));

but the compiler says:
    ios_base.h:781: error: 'ios_base(const ios_base &)' is private
    boost/boost/lambda/detail/bind_functions.hpp:472: error: within this context
    boost/boost/lambda/detail/function_adaptors.hpp: In static member function
       `static void boost::lambda::function_adaptor<
            void (*)(ostream &, const pair<value_t, value_t> &)
                void (*)(ostream &, const pair<value_t, value_t> &),
                const ostream &,
                const pair<value_t, value_t> &)'
it seem that temporary is created? why? how to avoid it?

Have you tried:

 std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
                    boost::ref(std::cout),  // !!
                    bind(constructor<std::pair<value_t, value_t> >(), _1, _1)));


That stops bind taking a copy of std::cout, which should fix the first problem.
