Hello all,


I am trying to install the Boost.Python library (and then compile C++ python extensions after that) using cygwin and am not having much luck. I know I have the main part of boost working because I was able to compile and run the basic example for testing the boost configuration. Then to install Boost.Python I did the following:


$ ./configure –with-libraries=python


This generates the following output:


Building Boost.Jam with toolset gcc... tools/jam/src/bin.cygwinx86/bjam

Detecting Python version... 2.5

Detecting Python root... c:\Python25

Unicode/ICU support for Boost.Regex?... not found.

Backing up existing Boost.Build configuration in user-config.jam.2

Generating Boost.Build configuration in user-config.jam...

Generating Makefile...

I then type “make install”, which generates the following output:


./tools/jam/src/bin.cygwinx86/bjam  --user-config=user-config.jam --prefix=/usr/local --exec-prefix=

/usr/local --libdir=/usr/local/lib --includedir=/usr/local/include --with-python install

WARNING: No python installation configured and autoconfiguration

         failed.  See http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/building.html

         for configuration instructions or pass --without-python to

         suppress this message and silently skip all Boost.Python targets

warning: Python location is not configured

warning: the Boost.Python library won't be built

warning: Unable to construct ./install-unversioned

warning: Unable to construct ./install-unversioned

warning: Unable to construct ./install-unversioned

warning: Unable to construct ./install-unversioned

warning: Unable to construct ./install-unversioned

warning: Unable to construct ./install-unversioned

warning: Unable to construct ./install-unversioned

warning: Unable to construct ./install-unversioned

...found 7812 targets...


Those warnings look rather problematic. And indeed, when I try to compile the basic example (/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/tutorial) by typing “bjam target-os=cygwin toolset=gcc”, I get the following errors:


Jamroot:17: in modules.load

rule python-extension unknown in module Jamfile</cygdrive/p/c_libs/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/


/cygdrive/p/c_libs/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:312: in load-jamfile

/cygdrive/p/c_libs/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:68: in load

/cygdrive/p/c_libs/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:170: in project.find

/cygdrive/p/c_libs/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build-system.jam:237: in load


in import


: in boost-build

/cygdrive/p/c_libs/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/boost-build.jam:7: in module scope


Any ideas? Am I missing something obvious? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,


- Matt

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