C:\Boost\boost-jam-3.1.14>build.bat mingw
### Using 'msvc' toolset.
C:\Boost\boost-jam-3.1.14>rd /S /Q bootstrap
C:\Boost\boost-jam-3.1.14>md bootstrap
As you notice it tries to find msvc toolset.
chun ping wang wrote:
> For some reason i can no longer specify the toolset to use ...when i run
> build.bat mingw on my windows machine.. it defaults to msvc.
That works for me, so I'm somewhat at a loss. Is:
> cd boost-root\tools\jam\src
> build.bat mingw
What you did? What output did you get?
> Inside user-config.jam I have
> using mingw : : C://Dev-Cpp//bin//gcc ;
> but it keeps using msvc build.
OK, that has no effect on building the bjam executable. You could make
your life easier and just download the prebuilt bjam, which also happens
to be a newer version than the one in 1.34.1.
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