as a person familiar with usage of boost,yet a green man of building the lib,i just want build the boost lib, .
i have such questions:

1, how could i know the bjam config options for building boost,
such as runtime-link ,threading ,--libdir, --includedir . 
should i must read the total bbv2 document?

2,after build the total boost lib and installed in mingw

bjam --toolset=gcc --build-dir="E:\tmp" install --libdir="C:\MinGW\lib" --includedir="C:\MinGW\include"

,i want to build the iostream with zlib support  and  aready installed zlib in mingw.
according to the libs/iostreams/doc/index.html,
i use command
bjam -a  --toolset=gcc -sNO_ZLIB -sZLIB_BINARY=zdll -sZLIB_LIBPATH=C:\MinGW\lib -sZLIB_INCLUDE=C:\MinGW\include
yet cannot get
and so on.
thus, i still cann't use zlib with boost::iostream.

3.we know we can build the boost in mingw without MSYS by using bjam,yet the get start does not give such information.
A note to Cygwin and MinGW users
If you plan to use your tools from the Windows command prompt, you're in the right place. If you plan to build from the Cygwin bash shell, you're actually running on a POSIX platform and should follow the instructions for getting started on Unix variants. Other command shells, such as MinGW's MSYS, are not supported—they may or may not work.

i think how to build the boost libs using bjam should more well documented with so many configure options as possible.and how to build a perticular lib .1.33 did more than 1.34

many thanks

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