I am attempting to compile and link a small test application using
STLPort_5.1.3, boost_1_34_1 and MSVC8 sp1. Everything works fine when
I don't have to link against any boost libraries. To test linking
against the boost static libraries I wrote a simple little test app
that used the boost::regex library and ran into errors. I am not
completely sure that this is a boost issue but since I can
compile and link programs without any problems that don't use boost
binaries I wasn't sure of who else to turn to. The linker error I am
getting is:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'stlportstld_x.5.1.lib'
problem is that all of the stlport libraries are named
stlportstld.5.1.lib or similar. I did try to just rename the library
to make it match but, of course, I got a boat load of unresolved
external linker errors pointing to names such as
"stlpdx_std::basic_string." Looking at a dumpbin output of the actual
regex library it is linking against, libboost_regex-vc80-mt-sgdp-1
_34_1.lib, I found linker directives of the form:
couldn't find anywhere that boost had put those directives in the
libraries but I could be missing something so I also did a dumpbin of
one of the stlport libraries, stlportd_static.5.1.lib, and only found
the following linker directives:
have to believe there are at least a few companies out there who have
replaced the shipping MSVC STL for testing purposes, if for no other
reason, and are also using Boost so hopefully I'm just missing
something obvious. Below are the steps I followed to compile both sets
of libraries and the
test application. Let me know if anything appears to be off or if
there is simply a better/easier way.
Jason Ivey
Open command prompt and run:
build\lib\configure -c msvc8
nmake /fmsvc.mak install
edit tools\build\v2\user-config.jam
added line 45 with
using stlport : : d:\\build\\stlport\\stlport d:\\build\\stlport\\lib ;
bjam --toolset=msvc stdlib=stlport --with-regex stage
Build Test Application
set include=d:\build\stlport\stlport;D:\build\boost_1_34_1;%include%
set lib=d:\build\stlport\lib;D:\build\boost_1_34_1\stage\lib;%lib%
call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\..\IDE\devenv.exe" /useenv