I’ve downloaded recently the version Boost 1.34.1 and performed some tests on ours applications integrating Boost components.


During theses tests, I’ve tried to deserialize some XML archives generated w/ Boost 1.33.1 including some boost::optional<> instances and I’ve observed that the Visual C++ 7.1 IDE emits run-time checks in the load<boost::optional<>>()  @ line 60 in file boost/serialization/optional.hpp.


template<class Archive, class T>

void load(

    Archive & ar,

    boost::optional<T> & t,

    const unsigned int /*version*/


    bool tflag;

    ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("initialized", tflag);

    if (tflag){

        unsigned int v;

        if(3 < ar.get_library_version()){

            ar >> make_nvp("item_version", v);


        detail::stack_construct<Archive, T> aux(ar, v);            


Here Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'v' is being used without being defined.


        ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("value", aux.reference());



    else {





Is it possible to avoid this run-time check by a preinitialisation of the local variable “v”? Is it a Bug?


Best regards,


Used Configurations:

Windows XP

         Boost 1.34.1 (through Boost Installer w/ DLL libraries)


Marc Viala