im having an issue with a project using visual studio pro 2005

if it makes a difference the librarys im using are
Qt, pdflib, boost, and some crystal com stuff thorugh activex

my problem is that when I build in release my command line args are parsed fine and my application behaves as expected.

when I build in debug mode, I get an asertion failure as follows

Assertion failed: n == name.size()-2, file libs\program_options\src\options_description.cpp, line 122

the relevent code is as follows

    // process command line args..
    po::options_description desc( "TEST" );
    desc.add_options( )   
          ("help", "produce help message" );
          ("hideSplash", "hide splash message" )
          ("report", po::value<int>( ), "show requested report and quit" )

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store( po::parse_command_line( argc, argv, desc ), vm );
    po::notify( vm );

    if( vm.count( "help" ) ){
        Log::Info::out( ) << "Help Message requested";
        // show help window
        return true;

there is more blocks the same as the last if block that look for my other messages

they are commented out now for testing though

I am completely stumped and sought help on the #boost irc channel

volodya and others on that channel were stumped as well

if anyone has any insight into this issue I thank you in advance for your help :-D
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