In my case i have a input file which holds the graph information . In the format

Now i m able to extract information from the file and create graph using adjancency list now what i require is that if the matrix of (0 &1)
is symmetric graph of type undirected should be created and if it is unsymmetric it should be BidirectionalS .. Will the solution provided
by you to create adaptor help in this senario what could be the best way to approach this problem..

Abhishek Vyas
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: abhishek.v@tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com
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boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org wrote on 09/11/2007 07:09:20 PM:

> abhishek.v@tcs.com wrote:
> > I have a function which take an input from the user  whether the graph
> > is directed or undirected.
> > I'm declaring graph as follows :-
> >
> > typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS,* undirectedS*, property <
> > vertex_name_t,std::string >, property < edge_name_t, std::string > >
> > Graph;
> > Graph g;
> >
> > Now here the parameter in Bold need to be varied as the user input
> > changes. One method could be i could have two different function
> > say,CreateDirected()
> > and CreateUndirected(). But this is not working in my case as i want
> > the declaration should be global so that i can use it throughout my
> > application.  Please help.
> That's actually a bit tricky in the BGL, as you've noted. My suggestion
> would be to use bidirectionalS as the directedness tag, which gives you
> a directed graph with access to both the incoming and the outgoing
> edges. Then, it is relatively easy to write a graph adaptor that views
> an existing bidirectional graph as an undirected graph. I that someone
> posted on to the Boost mailing list recently, but I can't find it now :(
>     - Doug
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