
I'm getting a strange problem trying to build a project of my colleague with exactly the same source, project and lib-files.
I'm using Visual Studio C++ 2005 Express Edition German version with Service Pack 1. He has the same version, but in English, maybe this could be relevant.

He has programmed a transforming tool which makes heavy usage of different boost features.

Actually, his project used to compile on my PC previously, but then I made a Windows Update and simultaneously added some changes (included Xerces, Xalan and also changed something in my project, but didn't change anything in his project). After that I can't compile his project. I know that we use the same resource files because I downloaded them from our local svn server.

I'm not sure whether I can make even parts of the code public. But maybe the full error report could be sufficient to make some hints where the problem could lie in. I would really appreciate your help, because I have already lost so much time figuring out what the problem can be. But as I'm only a novice to all the BOOST libraries, I don't have an overview of it and the typical errors and how to interpret them (or the combination of errors), which is vital in programming using templates etc.

I send the full error report as an attachment!

I thank all the answerers in advance!

Best wishes,
Vitali Gontsharuk