On 9/30/07, Gennadiy Rozental <rogeeff@gmail.com> wrote:
Lars J. Aas <parawaiter <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > On 9/21/07, Gennadiy Rozental <rogeeff <at> gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, Lars,

Sorry for delay. I am busy these days.

No problem. Lack of fast response usually means that there's no easy solution, which was answer enough for me ;)

Unfortunately current implementation of the expected failres support for auto
test cases can't be easily modified to work within another namespace. I had to
rework it and now I have proper solution. I'll try to commit it to svn once I
figure out how.

Will this mean that the macro-API will be changed for the next version, or have you been able to handle it behind the scenes? Learning Boost.Test, I got the impression (from trying to build the examples google could dig up) that the API has really changed a lot from version to version, so when writing test code you really need to peg the boost version you use.

> There is no way to get hold of the "currently-being-executed" test_unit

framework has a method for an access to the currently executed test case.

I'll have to dig into that then to see if I can use it.


  Lars J