I think his problem is that VC++ wizard automatically uses MB-charset for wizard generated projects. I assume the lib itself uses LoadLibrary, which expands dependent on the MB-Setting to either LoadLibraryA or LoadLibraryW.

Right-click on the project and select Properties; in the General tree node set the Character Set to 'Not Set' instead of Multi-Byte... Than it should be fine.

Best Regards,

On 10/30/07, Johan Nilsson <r.johan.nilsson@gmail.com> wrote:
Christian Henning wrote:
> Hi there, I just pulled the latest reflection code from the sandbox
> and tried to compile the example. But unfortunately there are
> compilation errors.
> For example:
> c:\boost-sandbox\boost\extension\impl\library_impl.hpp(37) : error
> C2664: 'LoadLibraryW' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const char *'
> to 'LPCWSTR'
> Is the relection lib in a usable stage?

I don't know, but try to compile using the "Multi-Byte character set" flag
to get rid of the above error (assuming that you are using VC++).

If the library only supports multi-byte mode, it should probably explicitly
use the Ansi varieties of the Win32 APIs.

/ Johan

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