It is definitely possible given the resources required:)
This will be great to have an application server and a set of
APIs and tools for C++.
At the moment we have most of the libraries, one main gap is
OO-persistance, probably implemented as an ORM.
I use boost.serialization, it's cool, but it is not enough IMHO:
Library I dream about would serialize separate objects and
fetch them when needed from one archive.
And boost.serialization doesn't provide neither
ACID transactions nor iterators over the content of the archive.
There is also a lack of "JSP" compiler - but it's not that hard
to implement.
So all is needed is to implement these two things, then take
Apache, cgixx and you have J2EE in C++.
And when you have all the bricks - you don't actually need a
specification or a ready to use standard, because putting it all
together is (looks like) a piece of cake.
It's a lot of work, but it's not that much as "mammoth effort" :)
PS Correct me if my comments on the current state of the free C++
libraries is wrong. I listed the problems for which I tried but didn't
find any ready-to-use solution.
So any hints like "take a look at" are highly appreciated.