On 11/13/07, Olivier Tournaire <olitour@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to use thread with a member function which takes parameters. Here is the code I actually use :

shared_ptr<Profile> p2 ( new Profile(origine+(double)i*width_sur_nb_fois_wdir,rect->GetHeightDirection(),MPPParameters_.ProfilesNbPoints_,MPPParameters_.ProfilesDistancePoints_ ) );
shared_ptr<Profile> p3 ( new Profile(origine+(double)(-i)*width_sur_nb_fois_wdir,rect->GetHeightDirection(),MPPParameters_.ProfilesNbPoints_,MPPParameters_.ProfilesDistancePoints_ ) );

ComputeRadiometries is a template member function :
template <class T> bool ComputeRadiometries( boost::shared_ptr< TTImage <T> > image , const eInterpolatorType type_interpolator=BICUBIC )

This compiles fine :
boost::function<bool (Profile*, boost::shared_ptr< TTImage <unsigned char> >, eInterpolatorType)> f;

But, this does not :
f = &Profile::ComputeRadiometries;

This is incorrect. How should the compiler know which function address do you mean?
The correct way would be:
f=&Profile::template ComputeRadiometries<unsigned int>;

I would like to use boost::bind in order to call ComputeRadiometries with a thread.

Can you help ?


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