
Right now I'm trying to develop a tricky structure that MAY contain any of the following information:

- Vertex coordinates (x,y,z)
- Color components (r, g, b)
- Texture coordinates (u, v)

Basically, I'd end up having a structure that looks like this (with all information included):

struct Vertex
    float x,y,z; // vertex coordinates
    unsigned char r, g, b; // color components
    double u,v; // texture coordinates

The tricky part is that the user isn't required to create a structure with all of this information. For example, the structure above could be missing texture coordinates, color coordinates, or both (however the vertex coordinates are required since I doubt we care about empty structs)! This is for OpenGL vertex buffers, so in addition to this information we need to be able to specify some information in this structure that tells external classes a little bit more about itself. Note that this information CANNOT modify the size of the Vertex structure and must be compile-time only. For example:

struct Vertex
    // Information (does not change size). Note that if
    static const unsigned int vertex_type = GL_FLOAT;         // Tells openGL the type of the x,y,z members
    static const unsigned int color_type = GL_UNSIGNED_CHAR;  // Tells openGL the type of the r,g,b members
    static const unsigned int texture_type = GL_DOUBLE;       // Tells openGl the type of the u,v members

    float x,y,z; // vertex coordinates
    unsigned char r, g, b; // color components
    double u,v; // texture coordinates

But wait! There's more I need! This is the part that I was hoping boost could help me with. I have a class that takes objects of type Vertex (well, at least in this example it does. It takes a template argument. See below). The class needs a way (at runtime) to check of the Vertex object passed in has either color, texture, or vertex data in it. Example:

template< typename t_vertex >
class VertexBuffer
    VertexBuffer( const t_vertex& vert )
        // How do I check what information is in vert?

struct Vertex1
    float x,y,z; // vertex coordinates
    unsigned char r, g, b; // color components
    double u,v; // texture coordinates

// This vertex type has NO color!
// How would VertexBuffer tell?!?
struct Vertex2
    float x,y,z; // vertex coordinates
    double u,v; // texture coordinates

VertexBuffer<Vertex1> vbuffer1;
VertexBuffer<Vertex2> vbuffer2;

Is there something in boost I can utilize to make the definition of Vertex more flexible and open-ended? Perhaps I can use boost in the VertexBuffer class as well to determine the construct of the template type being passed in? Any and ALL help is appreciated.