Currently working on graphml reader so found a thread on http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/146836
but when trying to access the attached file it is giving me error page stating "you are not authorized to view this page"
Can i find the reader_test.cpp code on some other link so that i don't have to write the code again.

Also i have downloaded graphml.cpp and graphml.hpp but when trying to compile the code it's giving me
compilation error "C:/boost_1_34_1/libs/graph/src/graphml.cpp:22: error: expected `}' at end of input" in
graphml.cpp file on the code  "graphml_reader(mutate_graph& g):m_g(g), m_canonical_vertices(false) { }"
What could be the reason for this..

Abhishek Vyas
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