How do I re-build all the libraries like that, on gentoo, without using boost-build?

On Nov 30, 2007 5:39 AM, Markus Schöpflin < > wrote:
Daniel wrote:
> Code directly taken from the tutorial here:
> Am I supossed to have a boost_thread library? A google search revealed that
> the gentoo package didn't have it correctly set up, wondering if this could
> be the cause of the problem?

I just tried the following (with Linux, gcc 3.4.3) on the latest boost
development trunk, maybe this will help you:

1. Build all boost libraries as static library with multi-threading enabled:

 > export BOOST_HOME=~/net/src/boost/devel/trunk
 > bjam debug link=static threading=multi stage

2. Compile and link asio tutorial example timer1:

 > cd libs/asio/example/tutorial/timer1
 > g++ -pthread -I $BOOST_HOME -o timer1 timer.cpp -L $BOOST_HOME/stage/lib
 > ./timer1
Hello, world!

IOW, you only need to link to the boost system library, no other boost libs
are needed.

HTH, Markus
