Apologies, let me elaborate: When I said "I'm not 100% sure if the above is legal C++", I meant that I'm not sure if default-constructing parameter 'a' the way I am in my previous snippet is legal (I know that the static const float part is illegal)

On Dec 10, 2007 2:33 PM, Robert Dailey <rcdailey@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm going to be using this float to default-initialize a construction parameter. For example:

struct default_alpha
    static const float value = 1.0f;

class foo
    foo( float r, float g, float b, float a = default_alpha::value );

I'm not 100% sure if the above is legal C++. I haven't gotten to the point to where I could test it. I suppose I could try it with integrals, but I just haven't gotten around to it.

On Dec 10, 2007 12:21 PM, Richard Hadsell < hadsell@blueskystudios.com> wrote:
Robert Dailey wrote:
Is there a way I can define constant floats within class scope like you can with integral values? I was hoping boost could help in this area. For example:

struct default_alpha
    static const float value = 1.0f;

The above is not legal, of course. Anyone? Thanks.
In .h header:
struct default_alpha
    static const float value;
In .cc source file:
const float default_alpha::value = 1.0f;
Is this answer too simple?
Dick Hadsell			914-259-6320  Fax: 914-259-6499
Reply-to:			hadsell@blueskystudios.com
Blue Sky Studios                http://www.blueskystudios.com
44 South Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601

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