On Jan 6, 2008 7:45 PM, Matthias Troyer <
troyer@phys.ethz.ch> wrote:
On 6 Jan 2008, at 05:37, Mahesh Venkitachalam wrote:
On Jan 5, 2008 11:16 PM, Robert Ramey <
ramey@rrsd.com> wrote:
Format for binary archives has changed starting in 1.35. My guess is that the changes should should be made conditional on the library version. I didn't make these changes but I'll see that its looked into.
Could you please elaborate on this a bit?
I am currently using boost 1.34.0, and am using binary archives. If we release
software now that generates binary archives, and at a later stage, if we upgrade the
boost version, will we not be able to read back the old binary archives? How do we
ensure that on upgrading boost we can still read back old binary archives?
Actually as far as I can see the format should not have changed. Could you please send examples that show a difference?
I am yet to use anything but 1.34.0. The original poster of this thread, Marc Viala, is the one
who noticed a change - perhaps he will post an example?