here I have some class to test the boost::any_cast,usually I use intel compiler 10.0,but I got a message the application must be close.
but the ms vc 8.0 compiler works well.
My operator is windows xp,and I use vs2005 with inter compiler 10.0
here is my code:
class CA
 void tellme()
  cout<<"I am ca"<<endl;
class CB
 void tellme()
  cout<<"I am cb"<<endl;
class CC
 void tellme()
  cout<<"I am cc"<<endl;
class dotellme
 void operator()(boost::any& ra)
  if(CA* p = boost::any_cast<CA>(&ra))
  else if (CB* p = boost::any_cast<CB>(&ra))
  else if (CC* p = boost::any_cast<CC>(&ra))
  else if(string* p = boost::any_cast<string>(&ra))
   int a;
    a = boost::any_cast<int>(ra);
    cout<<"it's int:"<<a<<endl;
   catch (boost::bad_any_cast& e)
//void tellme(boost::any& ra)
// dotellme()(ra);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 vector<boost::any> va;
 va.push_back(string("haha,it a string"));
 dotellme dt;
 return 0;

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