> Try building with internal STL. After all you only interested in your own leaks, right?
> Gennadiy

yeah I am, and having every test run spit back four blocks of unfreed memory makes it harder to see which memory leaks are from my code and which are from stlport - especially if there is no contextual information such as file/line# to distinguish them, I basically have to memorize the sizes of each leak and compare back against those on each run. Hence why I really want to either

a) Find out where this last 1280 bytes of memory is being allocated
b) Have filename/line# output so that it's easier to see which leaks are from my own code

Which is why I'm wondering if there is a way to change the output of the memory leak detector ... guess I might have to start looking at external leak detectors that are linked at runtime instead... does anyone know any good ones?

Jamie Cook
Research Engineer
Veitch Lister Consulting Pty Ltd.
Ground Floor, 80 Jephson St,
PO Box 1054,
Toowong, QLD 4066
Ph:  +61 7 3870 4888
Fax: +61 7 3870 4446
Email: jamie.cook@veitchlister.com.au
Web: www.veitchlister.com.au