I mean the idea of defining the singleton type

struct my_singleton : boost::singleton<my_singleton>
   void DoSmth()const;

And the more important now, the possibility to access it:

I found it extremely useful to be able to overload the operator -> for accessing the singleton members and may be doing smth. meaningful before and after accessing the member, e.g. monitoring.

I was going to write a review, but somehow missed it...

IMO I would like to have this lib in Boost (would give my YES vote).

Controlling the multi-threaded creation handling via BOOST_HAS_THREADS can be nice by default, but should also be possible to finetune it without redefining macros or including singleton headers before this macro was defined.

So I would prefer smth. like this:

#    define BOOST_SINGLETON_DEFAULT_LOCKING_POLICY               boost::singleton_default_locking
#    define BOOST_SINGLETON_DEFAULT_LOCKING_POLICY               boost::singleton_no_locking

namespace boost
template<class Derived, class LockingPolicy=BOOST_SINGLETON_DEFAULT_LOCKING_POLICY>
struct singleton


After all I can write:

struct my_singleton : boost::singleton<my_singleton>

Or if I really want to control locking policy:

struct my_singleton : boost::singleton<my_singleton, no_locking>

I would not like using "macro interface" to control the locking policy of the singleton. As well as it is not always so that if my app has threads I need lockable singleton. I agree that might be needed for shared_ptr to make safe locks, since it might be used in some "local" thread somewhere in the app, but if I for sure know that my singlegon will be instantiated in main() before any threads will start running and that it will be a read-only singleton, I don't need locking.

Many thanks,

On Jan 29, 2008 3:14 PM, John Torjo <john.groups@torjo.com> wrote:
Ovanes Markarian wrote:
> These are very sad news. I started to use it in my current project and
> am highly satisfied with it for my current needs. I hope that the
> interface (accessing the singleton) would remain the same.
Do you mean just the function name, or more?


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