
Below is my source code. What I'm trying to do is expose a C++ function to the embedded interpreter so I may call it from scripts executed by that embedded interpreter. Right now it just crashes with what seems to be an access violation against NULL:

static void DoFoo()
    int breakhere = 0;

using namespace boost;

    python::def( "DoFoo", DoFoo );

void SetupPython()
    if( PyImport_AppendInittab( "pythontest", NULL ) != -1 )
        int breakhere = 0;
        int breakhere = 0;   

    python::object pytest = python::exec_file( "pythontest.py" );

void BeginPythonTest()


The pythontest.py file does nothing more than call DoFoo().

I've been looking at the boost\libs\python\example\quickstart\embedding.cpp, however it isn't very helpful and hard to read. In addition it calls a function named "initembedded_hello" which is nowhere to be found... This won't even compile?

Any help is greatly appreciated!