> There is a bug in pool that causes it to severely leak memory if
> sizeof(T) is not aligned on bounds of at least sizeof(void*). This
> could be the reason.
> --
> Cory Nelson

Thanks Cory for your response. The leaks I observed were on lists with sizes of 16 and 24 bytes respectively. I doubt there is any alignment problem with these. The tests I am currently running use nodes of 12 bytes (list type is std::list<int> : two pointers plus one int per node) and I am experiencing similar problems: after constructing a list of 1000 nodes (12000 bytes needed) the amount of allocated storage is 48480 bytes!

In response to my own questions, since I think I found the answers to some - this is what I found so far:

Q: Why does pool<>::release_memory() not work for lists using fast_pool_allocator?
A: Two reasons: First of all, release_memory() requires the free list (list of free chunks) to be ordered. This in turn requires the allocater being used to call the methods ordered_malloc() and ordered_free() respectively - fast_pool_allocator does not. Secondly, release_memory() can only be accessed via the singleton_pool underlying the implementation of fast_pool_allocator - which is hidden from the public interface. This means it should not be used! (Or that is my impression)

It is probably possible to work around this problem by writing another allocator, or just by specializing the implementations of fast_pool_allocator<>::allocate() and fast_pool_allocator<>::deallocate() for the allocator types being used. However, this is likely to severely impact performance, and I'm not entirely sure this is a safe route to go.

Q: Why does pool<>::purge_memory() cause run_time errors occasionally (when used on lists using fast_pool_allocator)?
A: Some (or all?) implementations of std:list<> allocate one llist node to represent the list head. This node will be destructed once the list is explicitely destructed, or once a list constructed on the stack runs out of scope. This list head is stored within the same singleton_pool as it's nodes are. This means, even after removing all elements from a list, one node is still stored in the pool: the list's head. If pool<>::purge_memory() is called on this pool before the list itself is destructed, the destruction of the list will provoke a memory access error.

As an aside, purge_memory() is available only over the pool interface and since the singleton_pool underlying fast_pool_allocator is hidden from the public interface, this function is not supposed to be used for fast_pool_allocator.

In short: singleton_pool is probably not meant to support purge_memory, especially when you are using it for different types that might share the same pool instance. Releasing memory might make more sense, but is expensive because it requires ordered_malloc and ordered_free. Since singleton_pool might be shared by different types there's no way to guarantee the ordered allocation and deallocation routines will always be used, so release_memory() is probably not a good idea either! The only way to make releasing memory from singleton_pool feasible, is to provide a garbage collection function that does not require the free list to be ordered. A trivial solution would be O(n^2) - definitely not a good idea - but with a little more sophistication this could be achieved at O(n). (it will be considerably slower than ordered_release though)

Looks like I'm out of luck here, unless I start writing my own pool_allocator...
