I hope John Maddock is reading this as he had some knowledge of the
Intel compiler problem. Similar to the thread quoted below, I am
getting the "Windows cannot open this file" dialog when trying to
build boost using VC8 as 64-bit. (Doesn't have this problem
when I don't set address-model=64 or use the VC7.1 x86 compiler for
32-bit builds.) This is with boost-jam-3.1.16-1-ntx86.
I've tried adding the full path to cl.exe in user-config.jam without
success. For historical reasons, I am using an nmake Makefile (under a
Cygwin environment) to fit the boost build into an existing build
system. It essentially operates as follows:
tar jxf boost_1_34_1.tar.bz2
echo using msvc : 8.0 : "C:/WINDDK/3790.1830/bin/win64/x86/amd64/cl.exe" ; > boost_1_34_1\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam
echo using stlport : 5.1.5 : c:\cygwin\home\ewoodruff\build\trunk\winnt\amd64\x64-WINNT\TOOLS\usr\include\stlport c:\cygwin\home\ewoodruff\build\trunk\winnt\amd64\x64-WINNT\TOOLS\usr\lib ; >> boost_1_34_1\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam
sed -ie 's,\\\\,/,g' boost_1_34_1\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam
cd boost_1_34_1 && "c:\cygwin\home\ewoodruff\build\trunk\winnt\amd64\boost\boost-jam-3.1.16-1-ntx86\bjam.exe" "-q" "--toolset=msvc-8.0" "--prefix=c:\cygwin\home\ewoodruff\build\trunk\winnt\amd64\x64-WINNT\TOOLS" "runtime-link=shared" "link=static" "threading=multi" "stdlib=stlport-5.1.5" "address-model=64" "--without-python" "--without-wave" stage install
Once the first directory leaf is created is when the .rcp file tries to
get run. Here's the content of that file:
$ cat bin.v2/libs/serialization/build/msvc-8.0/debug/address-model-64/link-static/stdlib-stlport-5.1.5/stdlib-stlport-5.1.5/threading-multi/basic_archive.obj.rsp
"libs\serialization\src\basic_archive.cpp" -Fo"bin.v2\libs\serialization\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\link-static\stdlib-stlport-5.1.5\stdlib-stlport-5.1.5\threading-multi\basic_archive.obj" -TP /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /W3 /GR /MDd /Zc:forScope /Zc:wchar_t /favor:blend /wd4675 /EHs /Gy -c
I'm also curious, is stdlib-stlport-5.1.5 supposed to be in the path
Thanks in advance,
Subject: [Boost-users] Building boost 1.34.1
From: James Emerton
Date: 2007-08-31 18:08:46
I'm having difficulties building boost 1.34.1 using the intel
toolchain. Once bjam tries to invoke the compiler, I get the "Windows
cannot open this file" dialog, where the file is an .obj.rsp file.
It would appear that perhaps the compiler itself is not making it into
the command line, thus causing the system to try executing the .rsp
file directly. I am not having this problem if I use the msvc
Command to invoke the build:
bjam --toolset=intel-9.1
Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 9.1
Build 20060519Z
Boost.Jam Version 3.1.14. OS=NT.
Some environment variables:
ICPP_COMPILER91=C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler\C++\9.1
INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
INTEL_PATH=C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler\C++\9.1\Ia32
INTEL_SHARED=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Shared Files
I've run the iclvars batch script, icl.exe is on the path, and I've
used this environment to build boost 1.33 successfully. I've tried
various debug levels of bjam, and I haven't seen anything that makes a
problem obvious to me.
Boost-users mailing list
Boost-<email removed>
From: John Maddock
Date: 2007-08-31 19:17:38
James Emerton wrote:
> I'm having difficulties building boost 1.34.1 using the intel
> toolchain. Once bjam tries to invoke the compiler, I get the "Windows
> cannot open this file" dialog, where the file is an .obj.rsp file.
> It would appear that perhaps the compiler itself is not making it into
> the command line, thus causing the system to try executing the .rsp
> file directly. I am not having this problem if I use the msvc
> toolchain.
Yep, it's bug report already: http://zigzag.cs.msu.su/boost.build/ticket/137
It does work if you add an entry for intel to a user-config.jam in your HOME
directory, mine looks like:
using intel-win : 9.1 : "c:/program
files/intel/compiler/c++/9.1/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
using intel-win : 10.0 : "c:/program
files/intel/compiler/c++/10.0.025/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
using intel-win : 8.1 : "c:/program
files/intel/cpp/compiler80/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
#using intel-win : 7 : "c:/program
files/intel/cpp/compiler70/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
#using intel-win : 6 : "c:/program
files/intel/cpp/compiler60/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
See the Boost.Build docs for more info on setting this up. And of course in
most cases you can always build the source from your IDE should you prefer
HTH, John.
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