
I had no problems building boost 1_34_1 with a straight default build on Leopard 10.5.2 on a Macbook Pro for 32-bit ppc and i386.

The only issue I have is unicode support doesn't compile by default. But I don't care about that right now so I didn't try to tweak that in yet.

Of course I had a lot of learning to do on how to use Boost in Xcode 3, but after a lot of manual reading, googling, and trail-and-error work, I succeeded.

I missed the thread on this, but I'll help you out if I can--just bring me up to speed.


On 2/26/08, Lothar May <boost@lotharmay.de> wrote:
Hi David,

David Thulson wrote:
  > I'm not really familiar with
  > building boost so maybe this is obvious, but how are you building it?
  > What compiler flags are you using?

Needing a Mac universal build of boost, I tried two different ways, and
with both exceptions failed to be caught:

1.) http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/CMakeConfigAndBuild

Command-line cmake. (boost 1.34.0)

2.) http://stlab.adobe.com/asl_readme.html

With 2.), after I noticed that exceptions are not caught, I played with
the "-fvisibility=" option until there were no more linker warnings. But
this did not help.

Best regards,

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