Hello Eric,

Not specifically boost-related, but we're using the exact setup you describe to store our log files using JsonCPP [http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/].

You would have to write wrappers for a Boost.Serialization-like approach to storing and loading log files, but the library is very easy to understand and well designed.


Leon Mergen

On 3/3/08, Eric Newhuis <EricN@foxriver.com> wrote:

I looks like the last time this was mentioned in this mailing list was in 2005.


Has anyone considered anything like boost::archive::json_oarchive etc.?  JSON looks easy to read in log files.  I want name-value pairs in my serialization.  But I don't want the verbosity of XML.  I think JSON would be ideal.

Boost-users mailing list

Leon Mergen