Following node_iter example of iterator_facade (here), how can I wrap that inside an any_iterator? I'm really having a hard time figuring that out. I'm using an any_iterator implementation by Thomas Becker (here). I would really appreciate it if anyone could give me a hand.


On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Ashkan Aliabadi <> wrote:
Thanks a lot. I appreciate the help :)

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 2:53 AM, Roman Perepelitsa <> wrote:
Ashkan Aliabadi <ashkan.aliabadi <at>> writes:

> Dear all,I've decided to write an ABC named BasicIterator, from which all
derived iterators are to be descended. The reason being that I have to refer to
iterators inside an interface and I need a general base type as a place holder
to which I can refer. Besides, I don't want to use CRTP in the interface, but I
don't care if I'm forced to use it inside BasicIterator.As discussed in the
interoperability section of iterator_facade (here), the euqal() function must be
templatized. The problem is that I have to make equal() a pure virtual member
function in order to force derived types override it, but templated virtual
functions on the other hand, are not valid.So I was wondering what the best
approach is. How can I achieve both of these goals? Please advise.Any
ideas/suggestions are welcome.Thanks in advance

You might want to take a look at any_range from oven library
or any_iterator from adobe opensource library
( Both of them provide
convenient way for declaring methods in interface classes that return or accept
ranges of values.

Roman Perepelitsa.

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