I am using program_options and want to write to the screen the options and their values.  This allows me to verify everything is working properly before I execute a long running command.  I thought I could just iterate over the map and print out each option, but that requires casting the option to a specific variable which must be known a priori.  This is what I have right now

    cout << "options:\n";
    po::variables_map::iterator optIter = options.begin();
    for( ; optIter != options.end(); ++optIter ){
        cout << "\t" << optIter->first << " = " << optIter->second.as<string>() << std::endl;

When my option isn't a string (e.g. bool or int) then I get the error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::bad_any_cast'
  what():  boost::bad_any_cast: failed conversion using boost::any_cast

Can someone show me how to do this?