I am trying to do the following in order to create a templatized data structure which is both hashed and sequenced..
template <class T>            // class T will always have a member clientid

class seq_hash_list {


typedef multi_index_container


T *,



sequenced< >,

hashed_unique<member<T,nid, &T::clientid> >


> client_info_map;

// typedef client_info_map::nth_index<1>::type clinfo_map_hash;

// typedef client_info_map::nth_index<0>::type clinfo_map_list;



client_info_map _clmap;



This compiles fine. But when i uncomment the two index typedefs (above), the compilation fails saying "ISO C++ forbids declaration of `nth_index' with no type".


Is there any other way of achieving the same result?


