On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 2:03 AM, Kevin Scarr <kscarr@iinet.net.au> wrote:
Steven Watanabe wrote:I would second this. If you use:
> You might also look into replacing Packet with boost::variant.
typedef boost::variant<WalkPacket,CharPacket,etc> Packet;
You might also consider using pointers in your Packet type, or even
shared_ptr<WalkPacket>, etc, but that is a detail which depends on how
the rest of your application is built. I use pointer-like types because
I am very aware of making copies of my potentially-large and numerous
In this situation, all of your messaging infrastructure that deals with
packets passes around instances of the variant type.
As you have described, your clients have a mechanism where they can
register using wrapper functions around the signals library to receive
notification on the arrival of specific packet types - one signal for
each packet type.
When it comes time to distribute your packet, you can make use of the
boost::variant visitor feature, which allows you to select operations
based on the actual type of the data in your variant instance. In your
case it might look something like this:
// Your packet type
typedef boost::variant<WalkPacket,ChatPacket,etc> Packet;
// Your signals...
boost::signal<void (WalkerPacket)> distributeWalkerPacket;
boost::signal<void (ChatPacket)> distributeChatPacket;
// Helper class for apply_visitor
class doDistributePacket : public static_visitor<>
void operator() ( WalkPacket p ) const
distributeWalkPacket( p );
void operator() ( ChatPacket p ) const
distributeChatPacket( p );
// and so on ...
// Free function to drive this above.
void DistributePacket( Packet p )
apply_visitor( doDistributePacket(), p );
I like boost::variant because it tends to bring all the type-dependent
code together and makes it easy to encapsulate type based decisions.