On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 3:49 PM, Steven Watanabe <watanabesj@gmail.com> wrote:

Robert Dailey wrote:
> Thanks, this is a great idea. However, while you're doing the insert()
> I noticed you're using statc_cast<>(). I'm actually surprised this
> compiles.
the static_cast calls the templated shared_ptr constructor.
> This is basically like casting something to an unrelated type, so I'm
> not sure how the compiler is allowing this behavior. This also seems
> very inconsistent in that you're using boost::static_pointer_cast()
> for going from basically a void* to a signal object.

Fine.  Consistency wouldn't hurt.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe


I find it really amazing that you come up with solutions so quickly. They're great design suggestions. Do you have any advice for me so that in the future I may be able to come up with designs like this? Do I just need to read the whole boost::mpl library documentation or something? Thanks.